Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia is a historic moment for the Indonesian nation, making it a perfect occasion to celebrate in various ways. favehotel Solo (Manahan Solo and Solo Baru) is again offering Independence Day promotions with the Merdeka Deals theme.
The promotion offered is a stay for only Rp.790,000.00, which includes a 2-night stay in a standard room, breakfast for 2 people, and a free red-white punch drink for 2 people. This promotion is valid throughout August 2024.
In addition to the Independence Day promotion, favehotel Solo (Manahan Solo and Solo Baru) also provides the Journey Staycation package, which includes a stay and a visit to Solo Safari. The Journey Staycation is priced at Rp.533,000.00 on weekdays and Rp.590,000.00 on weekends, which includes a 1-night stay in a standard room, breakfast for 2 people, and 2 premium tickets to Solo Safari. Premium tickets include entry to the area, animal education shows, animal interactions, a welcome drink, a souvenir, access to Makunde restaurant, and a buggy car.
“We want to continue providing an exceptional stay experience for guests with family or close friends, so they have the best experience while visiting Solo,” said Khuswatus Solikhin, Hotel Manager of favehotel Solo (Manahan Solo and Solo Baru).
favehotel Solo (Manahan Solo and Solo Baru) remains committed to providing the best service and facilities for every visiting guest and continues to innovate and collaborate with various parties, such as tourist attractions, to boost tourism in Solo.
For more information, you can contact favehotel Manahan Solo: WhatsApp 0895 4225 94956, Instagram and Facebook @favehotelmanahansolo, website: manahansolo.favehotels.com and for favehotel Solo Baru: WhatsApp 0895 4225 94954, Instagram and Facebook @favehotelsolobaru, website: solobaru.favehotels.com.