Garut, January 4, 2024 - As the first step to welcome the new year, favehotel Cimanuk Garut held General Staff Meeting & Tasyakur Bi Ni'mah on Wednesday, January 03, 2024, at Kassiti Ballroom. The event, which is held twice a year, is not only an evaluation of the company's achievements, but also a form of appreciation to all employees.
According to Anggi Febri, HR of favehotel Cimanuk Garut, this event has a dual purpose. First, as an expression of gratitude for the company's achievements in the previous year. Secondly, to give staff's family an understanding of the daily work of their children, husband or wife at favehotel Cimanuk Garut.
“We want to give appreciation to all employees for their hard work and dedication. In addition, involving staff families in this event provides insight and a deeper understanding of the working environment at favehotel Cimanuk Garut,” said Anggi Febri.
The event was attended by all favehotel Cimanuk Garut staff, and what makes it unique is the presence of parents for those who are not married, and spouses for those who are married, as a form of family participation in this precious moment.
With the theme “Celebrating Milestones, Embracing Achievements, with Harmony of One Family,” the event started with a presentation from the Hotel Manager on the latest information and achievements of the company. The Heads of Departments also introduced their teams one by one, building a close bond among team members.
Not only that, the event also brought about a moment of emotion when staff representatives who had children, husbands, or wives delivered messages to the families present. The distribution of flowers by hotel staff to their families as a symbol of love was one of the highlights of the event.
The event closed with a joint prayer led by Ustad, followed by a group photo and a meal together. “By holding this event, we hope that the entire team remains grateful, united, and loves family even more. It's not just about work, but also about building a strong bond between us,” added Anggi Febri.
favehotel Cimanuk Garut remains committed to creating a positive and supportive work environment, where every individual feels valued and supported by one big favehotel Cimanuk Garut family.